First, Zdravstvuyte!
... what really funny is the word - "zdravstvuyte"
If you look closely, you can clearly see a wish of health to the person, which we welcome.
I do not know any language, in which the greeting would carry a similar sense.
Very briefly and very substantially.
Turning to ontopic, I hasten to disappoint: data defragmentation is not discussed here.
But there is a very extensive tutorial on defrag from worldly-wise gameler of it - mi!
That too is quite good :p
I can not be reassuring about the brevity of this material, because I'm not trying to create a step by step guide, and explain your questions in the way, describing not only what to do, but so that it was clear why.
Also I want to note that this tutorial describes almost all the possibilities of Q3 physics concerning a trickjumping, and hence can be a spoiler.
After all, discovering new opportunities - is one of the most fascinating moments of the game.
What is likely, a clear step by step instructions on the basic issues will be much more useful.
For example, that very brief faq, written by bsh|thrasher.
If you like the style of current one, then, as they say, Wellcome! (and you have only yourselves to blame:))
Defrag is a modification of Quake3, aimed at the game with physics (trickjumping).
Actually, what is trickjumping?
This is tricks (stunts) performed using different opportunities of Q3 physic and requiring certain skills.
You can stunt in q3 too, but sometimes you want some conveniences - for what specialized mods are created.
The conveniences include:
two physics - vq3 (vanilla q3 - native q3 physics) and cpm (challenge pro mode)
maps with the ability to note the time of their passage - for competitions in the speed of performance a sequence of tricks; playing such maps usually is called playing defrag
also a ctf section - Capture the Flag on normal ctf maps, taking into account a time of capture; two categories: strafe and using any weapons except BFG and hook; each category also supports both physics
well organized display of all kinds of parameters of physics to help (and sometimes even allow) to make one or the other trick
besides, there is a section devoted to tricking itself
Generally, due to the ever increasing requests from players Defrag turned from mod with the timer and the speedometer into the most fancy q3 mods and has a huge number of settings and useful features.
Game, in my opinion, is a sport. There are competitiveness, time index, skill, various disciplines, running competitions, there is even unfair methods, "doping". Just like sports, it provokes increased production of the hormone adrenaline, why can cause addiction. The only difference from most sports - lack of physical training of the player, therefore it can't be considered valuable in this way, however it doesn't stop many people.
I think that if you come here, you are just the such :)
Therefore I wish you luck and patience to learn q3 physics or simply supplement of the knowledge, if you are already familiar with it.